How does oysters taste like
For most people, when it comes to raw oysters they typically have a very firm stance on this type of seafood. Whether you love or hate raw oysters, there is no denying that raw oysters have a flavor and a texture that is entirely their own. However, if you are one of those people who have simply never tried raw oysters before then you may not know where in the world you will fall on this topic, or even where to begin when it comes to trying this type of gourmet seafood.
There is no denying there is a right way to eat raw oysters, which can make trying this seafood for the first time seem like a very daunting undertaking. However, there is no need to be nervous about trying them, if you know what to expect. Most restaurants that serve raw oysters will tell you either in person or on their menu what type of oysters that they have. The main thing is the freshness of the product and the understanding that modern transportation technologies allow keeping the freshness of oysters from New Zealand or Japan.
Farmed oysters, unlike wild oysters, live longer and are tastier. Oysters have two main flavors: milky and sweet. European and Japanese oysters are small and have a milky taste. Sweet oysters live in southern Japan, as well as in New Zealand. Often in restaurants, oysters are served with sauces or at least with lemon.
The taste of oysters is greatly influenced by the amount of salt contained in the water; therefore, mollusks collected at a salinity of ppm are considered excellent. When you eat an oyster, along with its jelly-like meat, you also drink a certain amount of seawater. In the Adriatic Sea, which has a high salinity, the water is considered the cleanest and highest quality.
It serves as a miniature seasoning for oysters, adding zest it is not customary to salt raw oysters on purpose. Despite the disagreements in the description of flavoring shades, almost all consumers agree that oysters have a rather peculiar structure and consistency. Oysters are a rather expensive delicacy. So, it is important to evaluate the pros and cons before buying. Oysters are distinguished by size: No. Where No. The most popular sizes: No. How do you make oysters taste better? To get the maximum pleasure from the taste of raw oysters, try to pre-chill them on ice.
Chilled oysters should be sprinkled with lemon juice. This improves the taste of the oysters. They themselves shrink a little from the acid.
To make oysters taste better, drink cold, dry champagne or white wine with them. Oysters have divided the entire planet into three camps: those who love them, hate them, and those who dream of trying. They will not leave anyone indifferent. Oysters are a marine mystery, a gift from the oceans and are certainly worth trying at least once in your life.
The first time I tried raw oysters was at the Wolseley, the ultra-post London restaurant. When the half-dozen exquisite shellfish arrived at my table, I looked at my dining companion my sister , hoping she'd know how to eat them. She didn't. We eyed the other oyster-slurpers seated around us and tried to play copycat. Although we did our best, the intimidation level was high especially with our waiter standing by to turn the tray of ice each time we got through another morsel.
I've since been seated at many fancy dinners where I've witnessed lots of awkward moments when the oysters are brought out, and it's made me wonder: is there such thing as oyster etiquette? I posed that question and other quandaries to world-famous oyster-shucking champion John Bil, who was serving shellfish at Flex Mussels restaurant on New York City's Upper East Side last night. Here's what I learned from Bil about the best and worst ways to tackle your next delivery from the raw bar.
There's no right way to eat an oyster. Take your tiny fork and sort of move the oyster around in its liquid-filled half shell to make sure it's detached. Then put down your fork, pick up the shell, and slurp down the oyster from the wide end—it's more aerodynamic that way. Chew the fish one or twice before you swallow it. It's an urban legend that you are supposed to let it slide down your throat without biting into it.
Think of an oyster like a grape: if you don't chew the grape, you won't get the full flavor. Oysters usually come with various accoutrements lemon, cocktail sauce, a mignonette sauce of red-wine vinegar and shallots , but it's up to you whether you want to garnish your little guy. Purists prefer not to.
You want to see lots of seawater, and the fish should be opaque. If it's too clear, that means it didn't get enough food when it was growing.